Flexicodes Logo
At Flexicodes, we believe a company’s website should reflect its true vision. By working with local freelancers, we can honor that belief while delivering individualized, high-quality services at competitive prices.

Mobile Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Conversion Rate Optimization

Email Marketing

Online Presence Analysis

Fell Free To contact Us
We are incredibly responsive to your requests and value your questions. They are an indication of taking ownership of the next steps in your business’s internet presence. Taking ownership relates to better questions, communication, and outcome of the processes to come.


12855 East Old US HWY 12 Suite #5, Chelsea MI 48118


12855 E Old US Hwy 12 Suite #5, Chelsea MI 48118



A lot of successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major part of their traffic. Returning visitors are easier to convert into paying customers because the more often they return to a website, the more trust they...

Your Web site needs to do more than make your company look good. It has to support your overall business operations - customer service, sales and marketing, and collaboration. Whether you're planning an intranet or Internet site, don't start before...

Kеуwоrd rеѕеаrсh nееdѕ tо be dоnе bеfоrе gеttіng tоо fаr іntо buіldіng a wеbѕіtе ѕо your wеbѕіtе саn be орtіmіzеd for уоur luсrаtіvе kеуwоrd phrases. Wіthоut a dоubt, іt іѕ thе most іmроrtаnt раrt оf аnу successful SEO(ѕеаrсh еngіnе орtіmіzаtіоn)...